Emergency Room

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Have you ever been to an emergency room? Unfortunately, I’ve been in my share: sometimes as a Pastor, sometimes as patient, sometimes as a father, but today as a spouse.  That’s right, I’m writing these words while laying on a bed beside Kimberly’s bed in the ER!

Before I get to that, let me quickly bring you up to date…

Yesterday, at Kimberly’s post op Doctor’s visit we received the incredible news that the pathology on her lymph nodes came back negative.  That means, the surgery on May 2nd removed all the cancer from her body.  That also means there is no plan for chemo or radiation.  Thank you Jesus. We give praise to God from whom all blessings flow!


Kimberly did undergo major surgery, and apparently she is having some complications.  We are confident that the same God who walked with us two months and two days ago when we began this journey is walking with us today.  We believe Kimberly is going to completely recover and experience full health.  Thanks for continuing to pray with us to that end.

  • Pray for relief from her pain.
  • Pray for wisdom for those on her medical team.
  • Pray for our boys who were greeted with this news when getting out of school.
  • Pray that we will continue to give glory to Jesus on this journey.

Now, back to the ER…the ER full of hurting people, loud noises, out of control emotions, and attentive caregivers, all revolving around the unexpected, unwanted, “emergencies” of life.

Even if you’ve never been in an ER, you’ve dealt with those uninvited guests: the unexpected, unwanted, emergencies.  Often in the midst of these moments the noises of life gets loud and our emotions run out of control.

Fortunately, as followers of Christ, life’s ER experiences need not derail us.  We serve a God who is never caught off guard. In fact, he is always our attentive caregiver, our Great Physician, ready and willing to help us through the big and small “emergencies” of life.  Best of all, He promises ultimate healing! That’s His ER, eternal reward!

We are trusting God right now in the midst of Kimberly’s ER experience.  We know He is faithful. As you continue to pray for Kimberly, please take a moment and join us in praying for those all around us in this particular facility.  Many are facing serious battles, some are all alone, and certainly there are those who need to know the Great Physician.  May He be praised!

It’s not easy…

Our faith is simple, but it’s not easy!  Sure, before you “feel led” to preach, I understand that His yoke is light.  I also know that I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. But as I read scripture, I am overcome with the reality, that this faith journey is sometimes hard. 

It is simple…

You don’t have to be skilled theologian to know my God.  You don’t have to jump through religious hoops or complete ritualistic practices.  You simply have to trust Him. Simple, right?

Jesus taught that we could come to Him with the simplicity of a little child.  Scripture even teaches that our faith can be extremely powerful in small doses.  Faith is simple, but sometimes faith is difficult.

Faith that is characterized by “taking up our CROSS.”  Faith that is epitomized by a “suffering servant.”  Faith that promises challenge and trouble.  Faith that is sometimes difficult.

To simplify our faith to a feel good philosophy is to ignore the testimony of suffering exemplified by our Savior.  To imply that loving God equates to a life without pain is to ignore His word and the total intent of His provision.

This faith journey is sometimes difficult, but even then, He is enough.  That’s the simple truth!  In this world we will have trouble, but praise be to God, HE has overcome this world.

I have had a pretty easy journey.  My wife’s path has been much more difficult.  She has faced more than her share of trial, pain, and challenge.  Her journey continues today as she fights another round in this battle with cancer.  This is NOT an easy battle, but in the midst of the fight we hold on to our simple faith.  We believe our God is able.  We believe He has overcome.  We believe we are victors, and we are simply casting our cares on Him.

Thank you for joining us as we simply trust our Great Physician for Kimberly’s healing today. 

Here’s how you can pray:

Kimberly will have radical surgery to remove the cancer today at 11:00 AM today.

  • Pray for God’s peace before, during, and after the surgery.
  • Pray for an ease in pain before and after the surgery.
  • Pray for God’s vision and touch through our surgeon and medical team.
  • Pray that the cancer has not spread beyond what is already known.
  • Pray that all of the cancer is removed from Kimberly’s body.
  • Pray for our boys during this journey in their faith.
  • Pray that the hope and simplicity of the gospel will be evident through each of our lives.

Thank you for making this journey a little easier, even today… Kimberly is so grateful for your texts, calls, posts, notes, and messages.  She wishes she could respond to each one.  She looks forward to telling you thank you in person!




Our Call, His Cure

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Do you believe God has a specific plan for your life? Equally committed Christ followers have different answers to this question. For me, the answer has always been yes!  While I have the ability to “get off track,” and disrupt His plan, I firmly believe I also have the ability to seek His will and achieve His best for my life. I believe He created me on purpose with a specific plan in my mind; a plan that brings me the greatest fulfillment and Him the greatest glory. I like to think of that plan as His call.

When I was twelve years old I responded to a camp invitation and indicated God was calling me to vocational ministry. Within days I talked myself out His call and began pursuing my plans.  That changed during  my Junior year at Furman University.  I will never forget kneeling by my bed and placing my “YES” on the table before God.  I fully surrendered to His call.

But His call didn’t stop there. His call led me to Southwestern Seminary.  His call led me to meet a beautiful blonde Texan named Kimberly.  His call led us to get married and start our family.  And it’s been His call that prompted every major change in our life.

It’s hard to imagine a change more startling than the one prompted by His call three years ago. Our family loved ministering in Branson, Missouri.  I served as pastor of a loving church that was impacting our community and touching the world.  Our boys were firmly rooted with friends and activities, and Kimberly and I had just built our “dream house.”  And then it came, the call.

When my friend Jeff suggested recommending me as the Pastor of First Baptist Church Temple Terrace, I immediately said, “no thank you.” For all the reasons listed above, we were comfortable and content in Branson.  Change was not on our agenda.  God had called us there. But then we prayed…

After nearly two months of prayer I finally responded to the search committee in Florida. I did so on a Sunday afternoon.  Little did I know that committee was meeting to pray at the exact time I was sending the information they had requested.  Their prayer was simple, “God, if you are calling this man and his family to our church, please make him respond to our requests.”  They received my response within minutes of saying “Amen.”

This is just one example of how God clarified His call in the process that led up to our move to Florida. There is no doubt God called us here.  But over the last three years, there have been questions as to why.

Then, as you now know our world changed on March 12, 2014. Kimberly was diagnosed with cancer. One week from today she will undergo radical surgery at Moffitt Cancer Center. Moffitt Cancer Center is one of the top Cancer research and care institutions in the country.  Kimberly will be afforded the best care possible from the leader of Moffitt’s program.  Moffitt Cancer Center is approximately 3 miles from our front door.  Five minutes away from where God called us!

God was not surprised by Kimberly’s cancer. Nor was He taken off guard by the location of the care she needed.  Consequently, now we know at least one reason He called. His specific call is ALWAYS directly related to His ultimate cure.

We are overwhelmed with reality that God trusted Kimberly with this cancer. As we navigate the next few days and weeks, we simply pray that we will always be faithful to His call, walking through open doors He has prepared for us, making the most of every opportunity for our good and His glory.

Here’s how you can pray:

  • Kimberly’s surgery will be at 12:00 PM, May 2.   Pray that God would guide the eyes and hands of all those involved in this medical procedure.
  • Pray that the surgery is able to remove all the cancer and that none has spread into any of the lymph nodes.
  • Pray that Kimberly’s recovery and time in the hospital will be filled with incomprehensible peace.
  • Pray for our boys as they continue to navigate this adventure.
  • Pray for opportunities to give God glory and praise Him in this storm.

Please know that we are praying for you. That you would hear and respond to God’s call, whatever that may be, and that as a result you may experience His cure for the ills in your life!



“It’s Cancer”

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I’ll never forget the rush of emotions that flooded my soul when Kimberly uttered those words right outside the Doctor’s office on March 12th.  Two simple words – one profound impact!

The words we say and the words we hear really do impact.  Our greatest regrets and our greatest joys revolve around words. All of us have times we wish we could take back things that we have said, and all of us have times we wish we had said something we didn’t!

Some have said we speak as much as 20,000 words a day for a man, 30,000 words a day for a woman: that’s enough for a 54-page book.  Up to one fifth of our lives are spent talking.

Our words shape our relationships and our relationships shape our lives, even our eternities! While we shape our words the reality is also true – our words shape us!

Would you do me a favor? Take a moment right now and evaluate the recent use of your words. Are you words building up or tearing down?  Do your words express gratitude or grumbling?  Are your lips filled with words of praise to God or do you constantly point to self?

James the half brother of Jesus said this…

James 3:8-10 (ESV) 8 …no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. 9 With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. 10 From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so. 

While no human can tame the tongue we have access to superhuman power.  Jesus said this…

Matthew 12:34 (ESV) 34 … out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

The one who controls your heart controls your lips.  In fact, your words are the window to your soul. Ask God to tame your tongue with His superhuman power today.  Use your words to encourage others, express gratitude, praise God, and pray to Him.  I promise, it will make a difference in your day and other’s lives.

We are so grateful for the consistent ways our friends and family have used their words to bless us during this journey.  Even this morning we have received texts, calls, and emails. THANK YOU.

In just a few hours Kimberly will undergo her first surgery in this cancer journey.  Her oncologist has recommended a surgical biopsy to determine the spread of the cancer.  Here’s how you can pray…

  • Pray for complete miraculous healing.
  • Pray for Kimberly’s peace before, during, and after this surgery.
  • Pray for relief from pain and discomfort.
  • Pray for divine wisdom for our surgeon for next steps.
  • Pray for our boys as they continue to navigate this journey spiritually and emotionally.

After the surgery, I’m sure the Dr. will come in and offer a few words.  Those words will have impact.  We are praying that his words will encourage us even today.

Prayerfully God will use our words to continue to point our entire medical care team and others to Jesus for His glory.

I want to remind you of Kimberly’s initial prayer request in this process…

Kimberly’s prayer is that God would receive glory as she walks through this illness and that our boys will see His grace exhibited in her. She sincerely desires that this become her greatest opportunity for testifying to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

After hearing the Dr.’s words we return to the “Waiting Room” for a couple of weeks.  Thanks for continuing to lift up my precious bride during this time.  She is the QUEEN of the Purvis Pack!  And thanks again for blessing our family with your words!




Waiting Room…

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I think the worst part of a doctor’s visit is the waiting room. No matter how nicely the room is furnished or how welcoming the staff may be, the waiting room is almost always a place of many unknowns and great anticipation.  Think about how much of our life is filled with these waiting-room moments.

Max Lucado calls it, “The Waiting Room,” those seasons in life when we don’t have answers we simply have to wait. We wait for grades, we wait for that “right” person to marry, we wait for job callbacks, and we wait for tax refunds.  We wait, but we don’t like it!

So, we’ve created a world in which our waits are minimized.  We eat fast food, on the go, while multi tasking on our phones.  We speed through the lanes of life hoping to cut down our wait times, but nevertheless, when it matters most, we wait!

As Christ followers, we shouldn’t be surprised.  Waiting is an intrinsic part of our spiritual journey.  God’s Word repeatedly tells us to “Wait” on Him.  In fact, as Christians we eagerly watch and wait for the event of the ages, the return of Christ, all the while praying, “Even now, come Lord Jesus!”

Lucado offers a good reminder for our waiting times in life. “Here’s what you need to know. While you wait, God works! God never twiddles His thumbs. He never stops. Just because you’re idle, don’t assume God is. Trust Him.  In the right time, you’ll get through this.”

Whatever you’re waiting for today, take a deep breath, close your eyes, and trust God.  He’s at work; it’s just on His schedule not yours!

We are in one of those “waiting rooms” as we continue to journey through the recent discovery of Kimberly’s cancer.  We were very pleased with our Dr.’s visit at Moffitt Cancer Center.  After reviewing Kimberly’s records and visiting with her, the Dr. decided to prescribe another surgical biopsy to determine how invasive the cancer has become.  The results of this biopsy will determine the kind of surgery he performs to remove the cancer.  We expect to “wait” a week or two for the first surgery, and about a month for the actual surgery to remove the cancer.  Thanks for your continued prayers as we trust our God in our “waiting room.”



IMG_7017That’s how we feel about the tremendous response to our invitation to join us on this prayer journey of faith.  We have smiled, laughed, cried, and shared fond stories about so many of you that have reached out to let us know you are praying for Kimberly. You are: family, friends, friends of friends, and even strangers, and we are grateful for each of you.

In fact, this causes us to press the pause button and reflect on the importance of relationships.  You have contacted us from the city we live in, the cities we have lived in, our hometowns, and even the places we’ve visited all around the world.  Through the years you have made us stronger, better, more committed, and many of you have taught us to fall deeper in love with Jesus.  What would life be without relationships?

Yet, too often, we take relationships for granted. Please hear me; we have certainly been guilty of this.  We all have things we wish we had said (or not said), wish we had done (or not done) that have impacted those in our little corner of the world.  Those are our regrets, and for those, we are thankful for the grace of God and the grace of others.  During 20 + years in ministry, we have certainly seen and at times contributed to relationship drama.  We have watched as professing Christ followers break fellowship, end friendships, leave churches, and even stop talking to one another over preferences and other trivial stuff.

When you walk through something like cancer you realize how silly this really is!  So… as you pray for us today, take a moment and thank God for the relationships in your lives.  Perhaps there’s some relational mending that needs to be done as you retarget your focus to the things that matter most.  I promise: we need each other, we benefit from each other, we have the opportunity to bless each other, and it does make a difference.  Thank you again for being one of the “others” in our little corner of the world.

Romans 13:8 (ESV) 8 Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law. 

One way you can help us is by joining us in praying for the many people we know who are also battling illness.  We are very aware of the reality that our world is full of hurting people.  Today we invite you to join us in praying for our friend Holly Kilpatrick in her battle with cancer, you can know better how to pray for Holly by reading here: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/hollykilpatrick

Here’s how you can pray or Kimberly:

  1. Continue to pray for a miracle.  We believe the Great Physician can still confound the Doctors with His healing touch. While we are willing to walk through whatever He sends; miraculous healing is the desire of our heart.
  2. God answered prayers and gave us an unusually quick appointment at Moffitt Cancer Center; we will be meeting with the surgeon tomorrow morning at 8 AM.  Join us in praising God for His provision.
  3. Begin to pray for our Doctor.  We will share his name after asking his permission; he is the lead Doctor in the program associated with Kimberly’s cancer – pray for wisdom, skill, and God’s perfect timing.  Please join us in praying that he and his entire team see Jesus in us.
  4. Please pray for Kimberly’s pain.  She is living in a lot of discomfort and we are asking our Heavenly Father to relieve this pain.

In addition to this, please remember Kimberly’s primary request…

That God would receive glory as she walks through this illness and that our boys will see His grace exhibited in her. She sincerely desires that this become her greatest opportunity for testifying to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Thanks again for walking along side us in this journey; we look forward to keeping you updated as to what God is doing in and through this process.


Praying His word with you,

Mark 5:34 (ESV) 34 … “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed of your disease.”


Will you join the Purvis Pack on our journey of faith?


Health challenges have been a part of life for the Purvis Pack.  Our youngest son Luke was born with a rare disease, and each of his brothers have faced their own physical battles.  Doctor’s offices, hospital rooms, surgical procedures, and visits to specialists have taken up way too much of our time in recent years.  Through it all, we’ve learned to trust God and role with the punches.  How can we not? We follow the Great Physician and we believe in a God who heals and still works miracles.  Nevertheless, that doesn’t make it any easier when faced with another opportunity for trust and another need for His healing touch.

Ten days ago our family received the unsettling news that many people hear every day.  After having a biopsy on suspicious tissue, Kimberly was told that she has cancer.  While this was surprising to both of us, we find comfort in the certainty that our God was not surprised.  We believe that “He’s got this,” and we’re ready to trust Him and role with the punches yet again.  Though we don’t claim to understand His sovereignty or even know the answers to the “whys” of life, we recognize that nothing touches us without first filtering through the hand of God.

We also believe in the power of prayer. This is where YOU come in. Will you join us in praying for Kimberly’s complete and, if necessary, miraculous healing?  In recent days the Holy Spirit of God has been bringing about a prayer revival in my life personally and in our church corporately.  We believe His timing is impeccable.  We believe this is another opportunity for God to receive greater glory through us as He demonstrates the power of praying people.  Along the way we will be asking you to join us in some specific requests, in addition to the general request for healing.  Thanks in advance for willingly coming alongside our Pack during this season.

While we still have a lot of questions, we do know that the anticipated first step of treatment will be surgical.  Here’s how you can pray…

  1. We are asking God for a miracle.  Pray that God commands the cancer to leave Kimberly’s body in Jesus name.
  2. Pray for God’s perfect peace to encircle Kimberly and the rest of our family.
  3. Pray for God’s hand of direction in the selection of medical care.
  4. Pray for a timely appointment with the oncologist surgeon.
  5. Pray that if surgery is necessary it would be scheduled quickly and be completely effective.
  6. Pray that all those we come in contact with will clearly see and hear our belief that nothing can separate us from the love of God.

Kimberly’s prayer is that God would receive glory as she walks through this illness and that our boys will see His grace exhibited in her. (BTW they already have.) She sincerely desires that this become her greatest opportunity for testifying to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We are so thankful that we are not beginning this journey alone.  Because of a lifetime of relationships, we are trusting in the prayer support of friends and family all around the world.  Thank you again for taking this trip with us!  Thank you for demonstrating your love for the love of my life!

Please join us in claiming this message from Kimberly’s Heavenly Father…

Mark 5:34 (ESV)
34 And he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed of your disease.” 

By His grace and for His glory,
